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Birth Rite

Birth Rite (2003)

Brief Nudity

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Birth Rite (2003) is not a drug-store chain specializing in the maternity niche, thank God, but a horror thriller about two witch-hunters who raid a coven that is about to do something unspeakable (or writeable) to a young girl. When the smoke clears, metaphorically speaking as no one is smoking, the girl is rescued and a lot of people are dead. One witch-hunter and one warlock also survive. Twelve-years later the witch-hunter has adopted the girl and on her 18th birthday the warlock returns to take her away. Sounds like a romance to us. B-movie divas Brinke Stevens and Julie Strain are sadly wasted in cameos that include too much clothing. But our saved girl, played by Natalie Sutherland, does bare her boobs a couple times.