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Posts about Jill Clayburgh

R.I.P. Jill Clayburgh

Goodnight, classy lady.
It's a dark day in skindom, as the statuesque Jill Clayburgh passed away... read more >>

Harmony Korine: The Mr Skin Interview
Harmony Korine: The Mr Skin Interview

By Maximilian Mueller
Harmony Korine wrote his first screenplay at 19 for the critically acclaimed... read more >>

Mike McPadden: The Mr. Skin Interview

Robustly beguiling, satanically charismatic, undeniably Oliver Platt-like Brooklyn native Mike... read more >>

Coming Hard This Fall!

It's that time of year when little kids mourn the start of school, and big kids-that's... read more >>

Becky Thyre: The Mr. Skin Interview