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Bob & Rose

Bob & Rose

No Nudity


Bob (Alan Davies) is gay. But he’s falling hard for Rose (Lesley Sharp). He still says he’s gay, but that doesn’t change how he feels. Give credit where it’s due, no ‘gay friendly’ series on network TV is going where this series goes. Will and Grace features a gay guy with a non-gay girl, and you just know that middle America is dying for Will to convert and start humping Grace. Guess again, folks, the gay community would crucify the network if it tried to pull that stunt, just like it did to Kevin Smith when the indie writer/director dared make Chasing Amy, a feature film about a guy who digs a bi chick and eventually makes her his girl. Even Queer as Folk, as gay-friendly as it is, doesn’t touch the whole ‘conversion’ topic, but credit Bob & Rose for taking it on and delivering the goods. This is a well acted, well written show (written by the same guy who created Queer as Folk, matter-of-factly), and it’s tackling a topic that, like gay professional athletes, will eventually have to be looked at whether folks like it or not. Not much tit though.