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Cachimba (2004)

Brief Nudity
  • Genres: Comedy
  • Directed by: Silvio Caiozzi
  • Home Release: 04/24/2007
  • Country: Argentina, Spain, Chile
  • Buy on Amazon >>

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Based on a short novel by José Donoso, Cachimba (2004) is the story of bank worker Pablo Shwartz, who spends his off hours trying to convince his girlfriend, Mariana Loyola, to doff duds when they rub nubs. In addition to losing the layering before they lay, she really should be willing to ride his willy with the lights on, don't you think? Pablo certainly does, and as part of his plan to cheer up his chub he takes Mariana to Cartagena, a coastal Chilean hotbed of artsy types. There, they come upon a museum celebrating an obscure painter named Larco, whom Pablo decides to tout as the nation's next big thing . . . but it turns out that turning the world on to an unsung genius is an even bigger battle than getting your girl to uncorral her cattle in the daylight.