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Cartel War

Cartel War (2010)

Brief Nudity
  • Genres: Action, Drama, Crime
  • Directed by: Jack Lucarelli, Troy Price
  • Rated: NR
  • Home Release: 11/27/2012
  • Theatrical Release: 11/27/2012
  • Country: USA
  • Buy on Amazon >>

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The war between the cops and LA's most powerful drug lord heats up in Cartel War (2010). When the LAPD begins to stick its nose into the workings of a powerful Mexican cartel, the cartel responds by brutally slaughtering one of the detectives working on the case. And because violence begets violence, the fuzz responds in kind until the two sides are engaged in an all-out war. But the only war Mr. Skin is interested in is the one at home, because that's where you get to see Mercedes Brito's niblet peeking out of her bra and Sandra Carolina's bare dime bags as she gets out of bed.