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Diane Arcand

Diane Arcand Nude

Great Nudity!

Keywords: Great Nudity!, White, Brunette Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Average Body

Nude Roles: 1

Birthplace: , CA


This comely Canuck started her career with a beaver-tastic bang back in 1971 with a leading role in the hippy-dippy French-language Canadian picture Heads or Tails. We’re here to tell you that the movie was full of Tails, including Diane Arcand’s, as she spent the better part of her time traipsing about whilst completely naked. That happens to be our favorite way for good looking babes to be traipsing about! Unfortunately, there’s also quite a bit of male full-frontal nudity included, although it’s easy to ignore when the busty, blonde muff-baring Diane is front-and-center… Sadly, Diane’s career took a couple of steps backwards in the direction of the camera after one more cinematic appearance in IXE-13 later that same year. She dropped off the Skin-o-Scope for a career behind the camera for the next decade or so, only to resurface with a role in the Canadian series Le Retour in 1996. Diane seems to be acting full-time again but considering that her most notable role nowadays is as the grandmother of the title character on the TV series Caillou, any chance of a Skinful encore is looking fairly slim, to none, to no hope at all…