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Final Draft

Final Draft (2007)

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Final Draft (2007) stars James Van Der Beek as a wiggy young writer with a trippy idea for a script: An undead clown starts offing people and passing the deaths off as suicides. The clown is inspired by the circus calamity James witnessed when he was wee, in which a clown accidentally torched himself and then croaked to the cheerful chuckles of children. James decides to resurrect the jester and set him out to get gory revenge on the kids, and in order to immerse himself in the story he decides to make people from his own life the victims. He asks his buddy Darryn Lucio to lock him in his apartment away from distractions, away from the outside world, and away from sanity. For eighteen days he shall labor alone and pound out his Bozo opus. But that turns out to be a bad idea, because paranoia comes a-knocking, and soon James is having twisted visions and living inside his script.