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In a Savage Land

In a Savage Land (1999)

Brief Nudity
  • Genres: Drama
  • Directed by: Bill Bennett
  • Theatrical Release: 10/21/1999
  • Country: Australia
  • Buy on Amazon >>


On the eve of World War II, married anthropologists Phillip (Martin Donovan) and Evelyn (juicy-mammaried Maya Stange) travel to Papua New Guinea and find themselves In a Savage Land (1999). As they adjust to the matriarchal nature of the island nation's inhabitants, Evelyn ultimately decides to go native. She bares her mouthwatering coconuts while having her head shaved during an erotic induction ritual. When war breaks out, the Japanese advance on the territory and life truly becomes savage. Maya, fortunately, can always just open her shirt and look down for comfort. And all you'll have to do is fast-forward and rewind.