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Jane Gurnett

Jane Gurnett Nude

Great Nudity!

Keywords: Great Nudity!, White, Brunette Hair, Large Breasts, Real Breasts, Average Body

Nude Roles: 1

Birthplace: Dorset, ENG

Top Jane Gurnett Scenes

Drowning by Numbers (1988) Nude, breasts, bush 00:26:00 Chest-crumpets, slight hairpie while some chick lifts comatose Jane into a bed. (20 secs)
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Large-breasted British brunette (that’s three B’s--more on that to come) Jane Gurnett first showed off her figure in arty director Peter Greenaway’s Drowning by Numbers (1988), an R-rated comedy co-production by England and the Netherlands. In it, Jane showed off her six B’s at the beginning of the flick--that is her breasts, buns, and bush while bathing, banging, and barfing. Here’s another B: beautiful. Co-star Joely Richardson was so impressed by that performance that later in the movie she added the traditional three B’s of her own. Ten years later Jane showed off her real women again in the made-for-TV comedy Real Women (1998). There was a sequel, but Jane kept her cloths on for that. Real disappointing.