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Knuckle Sandwich

Knuckle Sandwich (2004)

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Bigstuff yuppie Doug Callan has lost his job and his lady lay in one terrible day, and there's nothing left for Doug to do but turn tail homeways in Knuckle Sandwich (2004), the debut feature from director Ryan Miningham. Moving home is always lousy, but Doug's ordeal is even lousier than it sounds, because what's worse than losing your work and your skirt? Well, what if that girl went by the name Brooke Burke? Ouch, that hurts! And it gets worse still: Brooke was totally unfaithful! Doug's been dragged through so much mud that it's a wonder his parents recognize him when he shows up on their Georgia doorstep. Even that is a bit of a bitter pill, as his is a hard kind of hometown for a high-stepping hotshot to have to face again--it's a rural place, and he has to come down a peg or two just to make it across the county line. He gets by with a little help from his old friends, and with support from his parents, played by John O'Hurley and the eternally organ-warmin' Morgan Fairchild.