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Madame's Place

Madame's Place

No Nudity


Madame’s Place was a short-lived talk show hosted by the then-very-popular puppet Madame whose voice was provided by Wayland Flowers. While the concept of the show was nothing groundbreaking (interviews, sketches, and various other things), it set itself apart from others by Madame’s behavior towards her guests. Unlike “regular” hosts who usually try to be polite and forthcoming, she had one hell of a time making extensive use of her sharp tongue. The comedic interludes were supported by a regular cast that included a very young Corey Feldman as well as Susan Tolsky and Judy Landers. However, even they couldn’t save Madame’s Place from being cancelled after its initial season in May 1983. Nudity Report: For Judy Landers’ most revealing scenes to date check out the 1976 flick The Yum-Yum Girls which contains various bra- and bikini-clad shots of her.