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Mia Blake

Mia Blake Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Black Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Skinny Body

Nude Roles: 1

Birthplace: , NZ


New Zealander Mia Blake has been popping up in movies and TV series since the beginning of this century. She’s won a couple of awards for her work including the Chapman Tripp Theatre Award for Actress of the Year, as well as the New Zealand Screen Award for Best Supporting Actress. She studied both Literature and Theatre & Film at Victoria University of Wellington in her native New Zealand. Her big American breakthrough came when she appeared in the Seth Green comedy Without a Paddle (2004), but most of her subsequent work came from New Zealand, including the movie The Tatooist (2007). It was in this film that we get to see some of Mia’s mammaries. She’s involved in a sex scene where she slides her breasts up along a guy’s chest as she kisses her way toward his face. Currently she works on a couple of TV shows. Hopefully we’ll get a better peek at Blake’s boobies before long!