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Road to Paloma

Road to Paloma (2014)

Brief Nudity

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Road to Paloma (2014) is the action packed directorial debut of Khal Drogo himself, Jason Momoa. Momoa stars as Wolf, a Native American riding the titular road to revenge, hoping to avenge his mother's death. He must stay one step ahead of the law however, as every road has its price. Whether it's your life or a nominal fee at a toll booth, nothing in life is free anymore. Not even justice. One of his stops on the justice trail takes him to a strip joint, where Jordan Peterman is performing on stage in nothing but a pair of panties, nicely showing off her breasts as she dances about. We also get another look at Jordan's jubblies as she gives a lapdance shortly after that, making her a stop worth taking on the way to justice! Had she hung around longer, this film might have been called Road to Bologna!