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SCTV Network 90

SCTV Network 90

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Welcome to Melonville. No, Skinsters, it’s not those kinds of melons. Melonville is the fictional hometown of the Second City Television Network -- better known as SCTV -- the most uproarious and creatively bizarre destination on your TV dial. Funnymen like John Candy, Eugene Levy, Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas offered knee-slappers, while sexy Andrea Martin and Catherine O'Hara gave guys something further north to slap. Guts were always busted but pants also stiffened every time Catherine slithered onstage in the persona of Las Vegas stage star “Lola Heatherton” and moaned, “I want to bear your children!” Saturday Night Live may have the hip cache as comedy’s Grand Pooh-Bahs, but SCTV quickly and unforgettably evolved into a surreal, fully realized world of humor untouched until The Simpsons took to the airwaves. But even fans were unprepared for the show's leap from hilarious comedy to high art -- while only compounded the laughs -- when the series moved to late-night programming on NBC and expanded to a riotous 90 minutes. More recently, Shout Factory compiled an introductory collection of SCTV's Peacock network masterpieces on a smashing five-disc set, complete with more extras than you can shake your funnybone at – but Mr. Skin recommends you try.