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The Ogre

The Ogre (1996)

No Nudity
  • Directed by: Volker Schlöndorff
  • Home Release: 07/17/2007
  • Theatrical Release: 12/11/1998
  • Country: France
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The Ogre (1996) stars John Malkovich as Abel, a manchild in the Fatherland who sees the Nazi-ruled world in which he lives as a perpetual fairy tale. Since childhood, John's believed that he is gifted with magical powers—he once prayed for his orphanage to burn to the ground, and when it did, he did the sensible thing and assumed it was his supernatural whizzbangery at work. Deciding that fate has chosen him, he went on to live in a world apart from everyone else, holding to childlike naifdom and hanging with the short-pants set even as an adult. Branded as a relentlessly creepy adult for spending so much time with the kiddos, John is offered a chance at redemption with a stint in the French army . . . which promptly falls to the Nazis, of course. Not one to be brought down by the pesky realities of fascism, John happily goes about working for the Nazis, luring boys to serve the Reich and hanging with Herman Goering (Volker Spengler).