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Although it sounds like the name of a breakfast cereal composed of dog kibble and Gummi Bears (wait, that would be “Nasty-Ohs”), Weird-Ohs was a Canadian-made computer animated series that was . . . well, it was weird. Without any easily discernible plot or theme but with a copious amount of cartoon violence, its cast of animated creatures who drove toy cars simply excelled at being bizarre and baffling--as indicated by most viewer comments which were prefaced with statements like “What the hell?” and “Huh?”  Apparently the show was unable to find its core audience of acid-dropping twelve-year-old schizophrenics and duly took its own life after thirteen episodes. Thankfully, actress Elizabeth Carol Savenkoff, who gave voice to Slingrave Curvette, has been in other things, most importantly Cruel and Unusual. She showed off a damn near perfect set of supernauts during the shower scene. What’s really cruel and unusual is that she hasn’t popped out in anything else. Oh, the humanity!