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Bull Shark

Bull Shark (2022)

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We all know that there is a slim chance that a shark could come and bite you when you're swimming out in the deep blue sea.  Jaws (1975) certainly made sure you checked for giant Great White sharks out in open water, but most people don't realize that the most dangerous shark known to man is the Bull Shark! Not only are they the most aggressive shark, they can also breath both salt water AND fresh water, so it's not uncommon to see these assholes of the sea swimming up rivers and in lakes that are close to the ocean after storms.  In a small Texas town, a local game warden thinks the most dangerous thing in his waterways is a snapping turtle, but when tourists start turning up missing and bodies begin floating to the surface with shark teeth in them, he's now on the hunt for a big bull shark who has a taste to hotties like Mallory Hargrove, who ventures into the water in a blue thong bikini before being devoured.