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The Grotesque

The Grotesque (1995)

Brief Nudity


"Beneath the surface of respectability lies the shadow of our darker side." That's life according to the official tagline of The Grotesque (1995). Alan Bates plays Sir Hugo Coal, who fails to service the needs of his wet-and-willing hottie of a wife, Lady Harriet Coal (Theresa Russell, who performs some sweet nude scenes here). Sir Hugo would rather dally about with dinosaur bones. Good thing, then, that their butler Fledge (rock star Sting) is on hand to help out the lady of the house—specifically in her bedroom. Liltingly lovely Lena Headey disappoints her parents when she brings home her lackluster fiancé, Sydney Giblet (Steven Mackintosh). Things get extra complicated when Fledge takes a break from laying Lady Harriet to sodomize Sydney! Speaking off ass action, keep on eye out for the glorious naked gluteus of Sting's real-life wife, Trudie Styler.